DogWebsBiz Package includes the following:

Website, made to your preferances, of colour and layout, your logo will be added to the site template.

Full hosting

Domain name of your choice
(.com subject to availability, domain name is not registered until payment for the site has been made)
If you already have a domain name this can be used with your DogWebsBiz site.
A .com domain name is included in the package, if you would perfer a  $20 extra is payable.
Full Online support.
Submission to the major search engines, such as Google, Yahoo, MSN and many others.
Google site map added on request, Google Analytics (stats) added on request.
*Unlimited number of pages and photos, the site cannot be used for storage, it is limited to photos and files that are used on the site.
The site cannot be used for major downloads such as MP3s or Videos (Videos can be added to your pages)
If you are not sure if it is going to be suitable for your needs please ask.
(*we have never found the need to set limits, but reserve the right to do so if needed.)
Edit pages that come with a DogWebsBiz site give you the ability to add new pages, edit existing pages, add/edit text, add photos, add/edit formatted text.
Updates using your edit pages are unlimited and instant.
Any other changes needed can be made on request, at no extra cost.
DogWebs.Biz sites cannot be used for any illegal purpose, as deemed by, any site found doing so will be removed immediately!

DogWebsBiz is only $109AUD per year,

There is no monthly fee, just a fee of $109AUD per year

You Can try DogWebsBiz free for 7 Days, No obligation!